Suite of Services
Law Firm Foundry Consulting Suite of Services:
The Foundry offers a customizable suite of services that are tailored to fit your needs. I meet you where
you are on your law firm owner journey and recognize we are all at different milestones. Below are
examples of how you can utilize these services. Depending on your preference and availability, we can
meet virtually online, over the phone or in person.
Law Firm Owner Bootcamp
10 hours plus materials
Includes modules on:
Goal Setting
Finances (including sample budgets)
Operations (including start-up checklist)
Hiring and Firing
How To Make The Move
2 hours plus materials
Leaving Your Existing Firm
1 hour plus materials
Law Firm Owner Mindset Training
1 hour
Developing a Roadmap For Your Firm
1 hour plus materials
Creating Budget and Revenue Goals
1 hour
Marketing Deep Dive
4 hours
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